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Electro Acupuncture is a non-surgical holistic therapy used to treat many conditions. When used for bladder and bowel incontinence its aim is to reduce symptoms of bladder and bowel urgency, frequency and urge incontinence episodes. Bladder and bowel function is regulated by a group of nerves at the base of the spine called the sacral nerve plexus. By stimulating these nerves through gentle electrical impulses, the bladder and bowel activity can be changed. It is a minimally invasive procedure which stimulates the nerves in the leg (tibial nerves), which in turn stimulate the sacral nerves.
Acupuncture needles are temporarily inserted just above the ankle and in the arch of the foot, (Abdominal points may also be used). These are then connected to a battery powered stimulator. The stimulator delivers a mild electric current along the needle into the tibial nerve. Depending on your response to treatment both legs may be used. Each treatment session will last approximately 45 minutes. The initial treatment consists of 12 treatments, one week apart.
People respond in different ways to electro acupuncture, but most patients feel a buzzing, tingling, or throbbing when the machine is turned on. The current can then be turned down, so that the treatment is comfortable. It is not necessary to feel this throbbing for the whole 30 minutes.
• A sensation will be felt in the ankle or foot.
• Toes may spread out and curl
• You may get stomach pain.
Electro Acupuncture is a very safe procedure but should not be used for:
Some studies have shown response rates of up to 80% with clinically significant improvements in bladder and bowel frequency, leakage episodes, deferment time and quality of life. It usually takes between 6 and 10 treatments before any change in symptoms is apparent. It is important that there is no gap in the twelve-week treatment programme, as this can affect the success of treatment. If holidays are planned, it is best to delay the start of the treatment until afterwards. Most patients need to return for booster treatments and maintenance top ups are recommended every 4 - 8 weeks.
Electro acupuncture may also be used when treating other health conditions and will be tailored to your treatment plan.
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