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Acupuncture is one of the many skills used as a means of stimulating the body’s own healing chemicals in order to aid recovery and enhance rehabilitation.
Western medical acupuncture was derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine [TCM] which is an ancient system of medicine which dates as far back as 1000BC. TCM founded the concept of treating specific points along the body where unseen energy pathways could be stimulated with a needle to effect energy (qi) within the body in order to support the body back to optimal health.
.Acupuncture treatments can aid in restoring the body back to health (homeostasis). This is achieved by your clinician understanding your medical history in order to prescribe a treatment plan to treat the source of imbalance with the correct acupuncture points.
The body has an innate ability to self repair. the use of Acupuncture or Electro-Acupuncture enhances these natural self repair mechanisms to enhance recovery and improve repair timeframes.
Acupuncture needles stimulate the flow of energy, known as Qi [pronounced ‘chee’] which circulates in pathways (meridians) within the body. The Qi circulates and connects the deeper tissues and organs of the body with the more superficial layers and the skin. In a healthy body, a balance exists between these different systems, both the superficial and deeper levels. An imbalance can however negatively effect these systems and cause a host of symptoms and challenges. Acupuncture can positively influence these imbalances by the insertion and stimulation of needles within the body and restore the balance. If injury, disease, emotional trauma or infection occurs, the natural flow of energy/Qi within the pathways/meridians are affected. Interruptions in the energy pathways can cause a stagnation. Using acupuncture in this case would free the stagnation and restore the free-flow of energy, reducing pain and eradicating inflammation or imbalance.
During an acupuncture session, you will lie down on a comfortable table while the acupuncturist inserts thin needles into specific points on your body. You may feel a slight prick or a sensation of warmth or heaviness. Depending on your condition you may be connected to a stimulation machine You will then relax for about 20-30 minutes before the needles are removed.
Preparing for an acupuncture appointment involves taking certain steps, such as eating a light meal 1 - 2 hours before, wearing loose and comfortable clothing, and avoiding heavy fatty meals, alcohol and caffeine. Following these guidelines allows you to have a more comfortable and effective acupuncture session.
Some people experience mild, short-term side effects such as:
If this is your first time having acupuncture it may be advisable to have someone with you and to not drive afterwards.
There are certain health conditions that may stop you receiving acupuncture or mean that the treatment should be used with caution. It is important to let me know:
Acupuncture is safe for most people but for people with the below conditions it is contraindicated.
Unsuitable for;
Acupuncture is considered a very safe treatment option when carried out by fully qualified professionals. As a member of the AACP I have completed comprehensive training and am fully qualified/insured. I adhere to strict hygiene guidelines and undertake continued professional training.
Treatment needles are sterile and single use, and will be disposed of after each use in a suitable sharps disposal unit.
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Serene Acuhealing is now taking bookings by appointment only. Visit my contact page for details.